Setting UX challenges for the design team to compete against each other on dribbble. Loser (the least likes) buys lunch a week later in some friendly office fun to develop creativity and hone our UI design craft.
2 to 3 screens to show a single feature from ecomm checkouts to portable battery rental.
UX Design
UI Design
The brief
Design Challenges
Osaka Hockey
An e-commerce design challenge for an "add to bag" concept inspired by Osaka Hockey's 🏑 clean black and white vibey sports brand!

Had to include screens for product catalogue, overview and add to bag. The rest is up to you!
Charged Up!
The Boris Bikes of portable batteries, powered by 100% renewable energy.

An app re-design concept of London start-up, staying true to their current UX, but fine tuning the user interface design to help users locate nearby venues to unlock batteries or return one to a dock.
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Design challenges
Setting UX challenges for the design team to compete against each other on dribbble. Loser (the least likes) buys lunch a week later in some friendly office fun to develop creativity and hone our UI design craft.
2 to 3 screens to show a single feature from ecomm checkouts to portable battery rental.
UX Design
UI Design
Osaka Hockey
An e-commerce design challenge for an "add to bag" concept inspired by Osaka Hockey's 🏑 clean black and white vibey sports brand!

Had to include screens for product catalogue, overview and add to bag. The rest is up to you!
Charged Up!
The Boris Bikes of portable batteries, powered by 100% renewable energy.

An app re-design concept of London start-up, staying true to their current UX, but fine tuning the user interface design to help users locate nearby venues to unlock batteries or return one to a dock.